TypeScript Evolution
The TypeScript Evolution series consists of 45 posts:
- Non-Nullable Types in TypeScript
- Control Flow Based Type Analysis in TypeScript
- Acquiring Type Declaration Files in TypeScript
- Read-Only Properties in TypeScript
- Tagged Union Types in TypeScript
- More Literal Types in TypeScript
- The never Type in TypeScript
- Built-In Type Declarations in TypeScript
- Compiling async/await to ES3/ES5 in TypeScript
- External Helpers Library in TypeScript
- Object Rest and Spread in TypeScript
- keyof and Lookup Types in TypeScript
- Mapped Types in TypeScript
- Improved Inference for Literal Types in TypeScript
- Literal Type Widening in TypeScript
- Untyped Imports in TypeScript
- The object Type in TypeScript
- Dotted Properties and String Index Signatures in TypeScript
- Null-Checking for Expression Operands in TypeScript
- Mixin Classes in TypeScript
- Generic Parameter Defaults in TypeScript
- The --strict Compiler Option in TypeScript
- Type-Checking JavaScript Files with --checkJs in TypeScript
- Downlevel Iteration for ES3/ES5 in TypeScript
- String Enums in TypeScript
- Weak Type Detection in TypeScript
- Spelling Correction in TypeScript
- Dynamic import() Expressions in TypeScript
- Optional catch Binding in TypeScript
- JSX Fragment Syntax in TypeScript
- Numeric Separators in TypeScript
- Strict Property Initialization in TypeScript
- Per-File JSX Factories in TypeScript
- Conditional Types in TypeScript
- Mapped Type Modifiers in TypeScript
- Passing Generics to JSX Elements in TypeScript
- Importing JSON Modules in TypeScript
- The unknown Type in TypeScript
- The --showConfig Compiler Option in TypeScript
- Read-Only Array and Tuple Types in TypeScript
- Const Assertions in Literal Expressions in TypeScript
- The Omit Helper Type in TypeScript
- Nullish Coalescing: The ?? Operator in TypeScript
- Optional Chaining: The ?. Operator in TypeScript
- Assertion Functions in TypeScript